
Established in the 1980s, the West Midlands Pensioners’ Convention (WMPC) is the local organisation of the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC)npcuk.org.  At its inaugural meeting in Westminster Central Hall in 1979, the NPC adopted a “Declaration of Intent”, the opening sentence of which stated: “This Convention declares that every pensioner has the right to choice, dignity, independence and security as an integral and valued member of society”. The NPC represents around 1.1 million members in over 1,000 different organisations across the UK.  It campaigns for both today’s and tomorrow’s pensioners, and to unite the generations in defence of the welfare state and public services.

WMPC is involved in pensioner issues such as free adult social care, decent state pensions, universal pensioner benefits, food and fuel poverty, and the preservation and development of our National Health Service, which should be inclusive and free at the point of use.  The internal market and part privatisation should be ended and there should be greater democratic control of NHS services.  We also meet regularly with Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), the Transport Authority for much of our area, to ensure our local public transport system meets the needs of older people.

We are very proud of our history and hope you will join us.   Simply complete our membership contact form and leave the rest to us. You will receive a introductory letter, membership card, regular updates and much more. We only make a small membership subscription a year, and your contribution helps fund our campaigns.

Many trade union branches and other organisations in the region are affiliated to WMPC; just request further information from any near you.  Alternatively, you can consider starting a branch in your area.  We will be happy to advise and assis

Please consider joining or campaigning with us soon.  You can join our Facebook Group to keep up to date with news and events affecting older people – https://www.facebook.com/groups/7125023377569919